
Teamspeak Voting

ArcticBlaze Teamspeak Voting -

ArcticBlaze Teamspeak Voting

ArcticBlaze is listed on many Teamspeak voting serverlists. Some of these lists have a voting system. So that means you can vote for our Teamspeak.

ArcticBlaze Teamspeak voting reasons:

On the one hand, you support us very much with a vote. A vote ranks as higher in the corresponding voting list. Furthermore, the ArcticBlaze Teamspeak gets a lot more attention and accordingly a lot more new players who enliven our Teamspeak. On the one hand This gives us motivation. Furthermore, it shows the interest in our organization.

Vote 1
Vote 2
Vote 3
Vote 4

Where and how can I vote?

We are currently represented on four Teamspeak voting websites. All voting websites reset at the end of each month. The result of the reset is, that the ranking list will get resetted. Every user can vote once a day on each voting website. However, this is possible with multiple devices. However, the devices should not be logged into the same network. Elseways it won’t work. is the first voting site where the ArcticBlaze Teamspeak was entered. Click here to vote on this voting website. If you enter your username, it will even appear in the monthly voting list.

Our second voting webseit is Click here to vote on this voting webseite.

The third vote website is Click here to vote on this voting website.

The fourth voting page is You can here to vote.

So if you want to support us as much as possible, you should vote daily on all four voting websites.

ArcticBlaze Teamspeak voting history:

The Teamspeak voting history shows you the voting behavior of the past few years. We took the statistics from the first three voting websites and put them in a diagram. The diagram shows the monthly votes of the three voting websites. You can find more information about the voting history here:

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