The Prime League Spring Split 2024 was filled with ups and downs for the LoL ArcticBlaze Main Team. This split was the first where we did not reach the Div 4-5 playoffs. Nevertheless, our players have grown and gained new experiences. Nevertheless, as in previous splits, we have once again created a recap.
The group stage was the most difficult group stage we’ve had since participating in Prime League. Until the 6th game week almost every team could have been promoted or relegated. The most exciting games were definitely against Solaris E-Sports, MT1 ESPORTS and True Main.
Unfortunately, we didn’t make it to the Div 4-5 playoffs this split.
In the Player Stats for the Spring Split 2024 you have already seen a few insights into the numbers of the individual players. But here is another summarised statistic about kills, deaths, assists and more.
Of course, there are also some fascinating facts about this split:
Finally, to culminate our recap, it’s crucial to shed light on a handful of objective statistics:
Even though our main team didn’t reach the playoffs, the split was still a great experience for us. Three new teams joined our organisation in this split. Unfortunately, ABL FrozenEmberRoses was relegated to Division 8. ABL Academy and ABL Sirius stayed in Division 5, as did the ABL Main team.
The most exciting team is ABL Subzero. This team started in the starter division with the aim of getting as high as possible. ABL Subzero arrived in Division 5 with 12 wins and 4 losses.
Nevertheless, we have to part with some players in the main team. Our supporter Cupcake has left the team. The remaining players have stayed. This means that a large part of the roster is still active.