Here you can find our free game list. Here are listed a lot of different games from different launchers that acctualy cost money. It is possible to get sometimes a game for free. If there is a game for free, we will add the game in our list.
You will keep all these games forever on you account.
We mainly add games for Steam or Epic Games. If you want to get one of these games then we would recommend to check this list sometimes.
Very often we announce it if a game is currently for free available. So we recommend you to join our Steam Group or follow us on Twitter to get these informations.
Free Games List
In the future we will add a form where you can add some games if we miss them. We try to collect as many games a possible. We also try to add some games from other launchers like the Microsoft store or the Ubisoft Launcher. Its just a bit harder for us because these launchers are very rarely make some buyable games for free just for a short period.
Especially in December it’s worth taking a look here, because Epic Games always has an event in December where they release a game every day for 24 hours for free. In addition to the Free Game List, we also post this news on our social media such as Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.
We hope we could help you to get some games for free.